Pure in Heart
August 16, 2020
Select a Message:
- Overview
- 1Poor In Spirit
- 2Those Who Mourn
- 3Those Who Are Meek
- 4Hunger and Thirst
- 5Merciful
- 6Pure in Heart
- 7Peacemakers
- 8Those Who Are Persecuted
A message by: James Brummett
Of all the Beatitudes, the statement of Jesus about “the pure in heart” may be the most difficult. It isn’t hard to see ourselves as spiritually bankrupt, mourning, meek, hungering and thirsting, merciful, peacemakers, or even being persecuted. But being “pure in heart”? Probably no one goes around thinking of themselves as being pure in heart. So what does Jesus mean and how can we pursue this “purity of heart”?
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