February 19 - April 9
Select a Message:
- Overview
- 1Water to Wine
- 2Healing of an Official’s Son
- 3Healing A Disabled Man
- 4The Feeding of 5000
- 5Walking On The Water
- 6Healing A Man Born Blind
- 7Raising Lazarus From The Dead
- 8The Most Important Miracle
A series by: James Brummett
While believing in Jesus brings hope, Christianity is not just based on hope or blind faith. It’s based on evidence. A major component of Jesus’ ministry on earth was the performance of signs which were witnessed by many people. In this series leading up to Easter, we will examine the seven signs the apostle John describes in his gospel. Along with the resurrection, which is the ultimate sign of Christ’s victory, these seven signs provide us a window into how God is at work in the world through Jesus. You will see the glory of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and ultimately what it means for our faith and salvation.