It Matters
October 6, 2019
Select a Message:
- Overview
- 1Jesus & Me
- 2When Everything Changed
- 3Pass it On
- 4Bodybuilding
- 5Can’t Keep Quiet
- 6Hard to Imagine
A message by: James Brummett
Your body has many different parts, each with different and unique functions and yet they all work together for the purpose you choose. Did you know that Christians are a part of what the Apostle Paul called “the body of Christ”? As a follower of Jesus, you are a member of his body – the Church. Just as your body has different members with different functions, so the body of Jesus has different members with different functions. As a Christian and a member of his body, his agenda becomes your agenda. You are called to function in his body to accomplish his purposes. He has given you gifts and abilities to be used in building up his body, which includes you!
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