The Future of Journey
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. ~Matthew 28:19

The Vision
Have you ever been ALL IN on something? Maybe it’s supporting your favorite sports team, mastering a musical instrument, learning a new language, or changing your career – Being ALL IN requires a deep commitment, dedicated focus, and unwavering passion. This type of commitment is what we desire for everyone at Journey; to stand together and be ALL IN for Jesus, just as He was for us! It’s more important than ever to be a church where each person is deeply committed to growing in their faith and actively sharing the love of Jesus through discipleship. By being ALL IN we foster a sense of unity and purpose, encouraging one another to follow Jesus and be committed to the His mission.
The Opportunity
There is an explosion of growth in our area that will include a significant influx of new businesses, homes, and apartments – all within a 5 minute drive of our campus. Our mission compels us to expand our efforts to help those in our community – including children and teens – trust and follow Jesus!
The Goal
Be ALL IN on participation! We want everyone who calls Journey their home church to be 100% fully engaged in this initiative.
Making Disciples! Our desire is for everyone that calls Journey their home church to be following Jesus, be changed by Jesus, and join the mission of Jesus.
Invest in the next generation! We want to continue to invest in the next generation by expanding our current facility to allow for more growth that will support kids, adults and families at Journey.
Do you still have questions? Check out the FAQs below.
What’s the All In Initiative about?
As our community continues to grow with an influx of new business and thousands of new residents, our mission compels us to expand our efforts to help those in our community – including children, teens, and young adults – trust and follow Jesus. To learn about how this initiative plays a role in this, we invite you to look through our digital All In booklet we provided in October 2024 HERE.
Will the logo be changed to the flag?
No! We will keep the current Journey brand. The flag is only being used during the All In Initiative.
What is the All In initiative timeline?
This is a two year event. The launch began in October 2024 and focused on building an “ALL IN” commitment from everyone who calls Journey their home church. After the launch, we moved into raising capital, designing the build out, and beginning construction.
- December 2024 thru December 2026 – Raise capital
- Spring 2025 – Develop and complete the design of the building out
- Fall 2025 – Begin construction
- Spring 2026 – Construction completion
Why do this expansion now?
Jesus made it clear that the mission of the Church is to make disciples. In part, a disciple is someone who is following Jesus as King and Lord. Another way to put it is that a disciple is someone who is “ALL IN” on following Jesus, who is being transformed by his power, and who is 100% committed to the mission of Jesus in this world. Now is the time for us as a church to go ALL IN on the call of Jesus to make disciples. We must invite and help people to follow Jesus, be changed by Jesus, and join the mission of Jesus.
According to the studies, the most “at risk” generation among us is the under 30 crowd. As a church, we will spare no effort or expense to reach and disciple the next generation. When we relocated to our current campus in 2017, we built out as much as we could. Now is the time to expand our space so that we are better able to serve children, teenagers, and young adults. This is a significant step forward into a new season of exciting ministry. It’s not only that we get to do this, but we must do this.
The All In booklet talks about partnership with other organizations. Who are they?
We partner with other organizations locally, nationally and internationally in order to carry out our mission. You can learn more about each of them by clicking HERE.
Are project costs and expenditures going to be made available to us?
Yes, members can request this information. They should contact Journey’s Director of Operations, Steve Franklin, to set up an appointment. (804) 763-0231 or email [email protected]
How will each of the new spaces be used once construction is completed?
Elementary Small Group Rooms – Most importantly, these rooms will be needed to support our growing elementary ministry, which is currently operating six different grade levels in a total of two classrooms. It is crucial that we improve this ministry environment now and prepare for future growth. Additionally, the classrooms will be used during the weekday for our homeschool co-op.. There will be students around tables getting classroom instruction on various subjects from certified teachers. On Sunday the tables and chairs will be removed, replaced by carpet circles so our small group leaders can disciple our kids.
Elementary Large Group Room – because our elementary ministry is expanding, we will need additional space to accommodate the kids during their large group time. Large Group engages our children with singing, stories, devotions, relational activities, and much more, and prepares our children to engage in the weekly theme taught in their small groups.
Gym – this room will be the most vital, multifunctional space in our building. We will use the gym as our primary room for most everything we do outside of Sunday gatherings. We believe it will be a relational environment that will generate many more discipleship opportunities. For example:
- Local compassion events (like meal packing)
- Men’s/women’s ministry and conferences
- Student Camps/Young Adult events
- A fellowship hall
- Community partner events
- Family ministry events (Waumba land playdates, Momversations, Back to School Bash, etc.)
- Journey Co-op use for P.E., assemblies, graduations, etc.
- Basketball, volleyball, pickleball, dodgeball, etc.
Right now we have only one large room (the auditorium). At capacity, it seats ~1,000. The multi-purpose room seats up to ~80 people around tables and probably 100 in rows of chairs. We need another medium size room that could serve as a second auditorium for other events. Set up in an auditorium format, the gym will probably seat 500-600. We have needed a room that size for other events and opportunities. So instead of simply creating another auditorium with the capacity of 500-600, we felt the best use of that kind of space was to truly make it a multipurpose space that could be used for relational ministry.
Others uses: In the past we’ve had events for families where we have set up bounce houses inside our lobby. Our intent was that families could connect. Those were wonderful events, but the sound in the lobby defeated the relational connection. The gym will be built with acoustical panels to help deaden the sound. We’ve had other events that were scheduled to be outdoors that we’ve had to cancel because of weather, but with a gym, those events could easily be moved inside. We can partner with our local county recreation and private schools to allow them to use the gym for their sports activities. That is a wonderful outreach opportunity. The gym will be an excellent tool as a gathering space for students after high school sporting events. These are just a few of the opportunities that will present themselves due to having a multi purpose space like the gym in our building.
Will new staffing positions come as a result of this expansion?
Yes, this expansion will require the need for Journey to fill additional staff roles.
What happens if we don’t meet our goal?
James stated during week 1 and 2 of the message series All In, that we would, at minimum, complete the new classrooms and large group space in the elementary environment. These new classrooms are vital to us being able to expand our ministry reach to families in our community.
How can I get involved in the All In Initiative?
Right now, we need everyone to be all in financially. As James said, equal sacrifice, not equal gifts. We are funded solely by people who call Journey their home church. If you love this church and you want to be a part of the future, fund the future! If you haven’t completed a commitment card yet, you can access the digital version HERE.
We are also looking for people who excel in project management and/or have experience with business planning. If you have skills and are willing to volunteer your time, we’d love to hear from you. Email [email protected] and let us know.