Your financial support enables us to create environments that are effective at inviting and leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, both locally and globally.

Secure Online Giving is Quick and Convenient!
If you’ve never given online before:
This is a great opportunity to start! You can test it out with a gift as small as $1 to see how easy it is to give directly from your smartphone or computer. Here are the simple steps to transition to this exciting new way to give!
Using your mobile device:
- Step 1: Text “GIFT” to our Giving Number: 804-781-3700
- Step 2: Tap the link sent back to you and fill out the quick one-time registration form under the SIGN IN tab.
- Step 3: Enter your gift information and tap “Submit”.
- Have questions? Give us a call 804-763-0231!
Other ways to give
Bill Pay Giving – this is set up directly through your bank (not Journey’s Online Giving Platform). This is the only method that does not charge a fee to Journey, so, if you want your giving to go further, this could be a great choice. Contact your bank for more information.
Campus Giving
In-person using cash or check
We supply envelopes for you to place your in person offering into. If you want to receive an end of year contribution statement for tax purposes, be sure to include your contact info on the check or envelope.
Non-cash and Stock Giving
This is a great way to support the mission at Journey! Donate, rather than sell, in order to save more and give more! Have questions? Call or email our business office. 804-763-0231 / [email protected]
Call or email us if you are planning to give in this way. The non cash form below will be needed to initiate the transaction.
Tax ID: 45-1997742
Giving FAQ’s
What is the best way for me to manage my giving to Journey?
By setting up an online profile through our secure, digital Fellowship One giving platform, you can easily and quickly take action on your generosity. Set up recurring giving on a schedule that works for you and adjust that schedule any time you like. You may also track your giving and print giving statements at any time.
Is my information secure when I set up my online Fellowship One Giving account?
Yes! You can securely save your bank account information. It’s protected by SSL encryption – the same protocol used by financial institutions to keep your info safe and secure.
How is Fellowship One Giving different from my bank’s bill pay option?
Our Fellowship One giving platform is electronic, meaning that no actual check is being sent through the mail. It is sent electronically, and because it is sent this way, it is then automatically recorded in your Fellowship One giving account. So, it reduces the administration required for us to record your gift. Convenient for you and efficient for us – it’s a win, win!
Does Journey accept financial gifts via credit card?
Yes, you are welcome to give via credit card. However, we encourage everyone to give through their bank (checking) account. Credit card gifts require Journey to pay processing fees to the banks and therefore actually reduces your gift to the ministry of Journey. Fellowship One Giving has a great feature though. You can elect to cover the processing costs of your online gift, which will add 2.5% for credit/debit cards or .3% for ACH debit processing. Your giving statement will reflect the entire amount given ($1 credit card gift + $0.03 processing = $1.03 given).
If I want to mail in a check or set up my giving through my bank’s bill pay option, what is the correct address?
You may mail your gift to:
Journey Christian Church, Inc.
3700 Price Club Blvd
Midlothian, VA 23112
You can set up charitable donations also by using our Tax ID: 45-1997742.
Can I give stock, bonds, mutual funds or other non-cash contributions?
You can donate non-cash gifts like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate. In fact, if you donate first, rather than sell, pay taxes and then give the net proceeds, you could reduce taxes, save more and give more! Journey has a relationship with National Christian Foundation that allows you to give more by giving more wisely.
To make a stock donation, it is highly recommended that you use this form and follow the steps therein. If you must use your firm’s form, please include our NCF Giving Fund Number 1308151 and our NCF Giving Fund Name ‘The Journey Christian Church Single Charity Fund’ in the Delivery Instructions block of your firm’s Letter of Authorization. This will ensure timely and proper routing of your gift to Journey Christian Church and receipt of your donation acknowledgement.
If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Spradlin in our business office.
Tax ID: 45-1997742